Each month features one of the 12 finalists from the WFT Photo Competition. The calendar is a wonderful collection of flora, fauna and landscapes of the Wychwood - a real celebration of the unique place that we live in.
(Includes bonus page: A Year in the Wychwood, handy month-by-month nature guide)
A4 size when closed.
To purchase this calendar, visit our shop below.
"Thank you for the 4 Calendars that were delivered this morning. They are really lovely and something to enjoy the whole year! Congratulations to the team that produced it, you have done a great job." (Michael Mills)
A guide to a 37 mile circular trail around the heart of the ancient Royal Forest of Wychwood in Oxfordshire. New 2022 edition - 65 pages, softback, full colour walking guide by Alan Spicer and Mary Webb.
The Wychwood Way is a 59 km (37 mile) circular trail following waymarked rights of way around the heart of the ancient Royal Forest of Wychwood in Oxfordshire. The trail is a celebration of 1000 years in the life of this very special area and was designed to highlight some of the most interesting historic landscape patterns and features, habitats and traditional forms of management within the former forest area.
This beautifully photographed walking guidebook takes the reader on a journey through time, from the evidence of the very earliest, pre-historic settlers through to the present day.
The new edition (2022) is a handy pocket DL size brochure, with detailed walking directions for the whole of the Wychwood Way, supported by maps and SP map references. Also included in this edition are 10 shorter circular walks linked to the Wychwood Way of between 3 and 7 miles - some stile free.
To purchase this walking guide, visit our shop below.
NB: We are waiting for a new print run of Wychwood Way Guides, so there may be a slight delay fulfilling orders.

Many of us have been spending more time in our gardens this year, enjoying the flowers and insects. But all is not well in the butterfly kingdom…
Overall, there has been a decline in butterfly numbers over the last 10 years. Monitoring this change has never been more important.
Butterfly records are scarce across West Oxfordshire and the Wychwood Forest area, making it more difficult to track how populations in our area are changing. Luckily, it's easy to help change that!
There are two simple ways you can start recording butterflies:
Download the free iRecord Butterflies app, which can be used to make records wherever you are. It's very simple and includes identification help and location tracking.
Click here to create and account and start recording butterflies in your garden on Butterfly Conservation's website. It's easy to use with plenty of guidance and photos to help with identification.
You can download free identification guides to the butterflies you might see in the historic Wychwood area - 120 square miles of West Oxfordshire - by clicking the images below. Many thanks to Butterfly Conservation's Upper Thames Branch for putting together these monthly and overall guides for us.